What We Believe

Way of Salvation

1.  All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.  Romans 3:23.
2.  The wages of sin is death, (Eternal) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Romans 6:23.
3.  The only way to Heaven is by being born again.  John 3:3,
4.  God gave His Son as payment for our sins.  John 3:16.
5.  We must admit our failures to God and our need for Jesus.  I John 1:9.
6.  We must repent of our sins. (Have sorrow over our sins and be willing to turn from them.) Acts 3:19.
7.  We must believe God’s promise for forgiveness.  Romans 10:9, I John 5:13.
8.  We are saved by grace through faith in the death of Christ on the cross.  Ephesians 2:8-9.

Holy Trinity

God the father.

    Creator of all things.
    Giver of life.

God the Son, Jesus Christ.

    Became flesh, Born of a virgin.
    Is the Living Word.
    Lived without sin.
    Became sin for us.
    Died in our place.
    Rose from the dead.
    Ascended into Heaven.
    Is coming again for His bride, the church.  (Rapture of the Church)
Holy Spirit

    Convicts of sin.
    Points sinner to Christ.
    Empowers believers for service.
    Produces spiritual fruit in the believer.
    Gives spiritual gifts to the believer for service.


Created by the Word of God’s mouth.
Created in 6 literal days.
Created in approximately 4000 BC

The Word

All Powerful
Does not change

End Time Events

1.   Rapture of the Church.
2.  7 year Tribulation period.
        a.  Reign of the antichrist, one world government.
        b.  One world church – False prophet.
3.  Return of Christ with the church.  Defeat of the antichrist, false prophet and all evil forces.
4.  1000 year reign of Christ.  (Millennium)
5.  Satan loosed for a short Time.
6.  Final Judgment.
7.  Eternal bliss for the saints, eternal damnation for those who rejected Christ.

Schedule of events

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Concert Series at 7 PM once a month
Tuesday 10 AM, Church Telecast, Garden Valley Cable
Wednesday 6:30 PM. Bible Study at Sharon Ramberg's home, 33501 155th Ave SE Mentor MN.

Contact Us


23482 390th St SE

McIntosh, MN 56556


Phone: 218 2684241


Or use our contact form.

What Keeps Us Going

Witnessing lives changed by the power of God through the ministry of His word, hope brought to the hopless, joy to the downtrodden and peace to the troubled.


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